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Frenums are bands of muscle tissue attaching one soft tissue of the mouth to another. For example, the band of tissue connecting your tongue to the floor of your mouth and the band of tissue connecting your upper and lower lip to your gums. A frenectomy is a surgical procedure done when one of these bands needs to be loosened or removed.

Reasons For A Frenectomy

There are two common frenums that are known to cause problems. These are:

  • Labial Frenum – The labial frenum is a band of muscle tissue connecting the center of the upper gums to your upper lip and the center of the lower gums to your lower lip. This frenum can sometimes attach too close to the teeth, which can cause a large gap between your two front teeth. Additionally, if this frenum is too tight, it can cause gum recession by pulling the gums away from the teeth. This type of frenum can sometimes correct itself during the growth of the two front permanent teeth, however, if it causes self-consciousness, pain, or gum recession, a frenectomy can be performed.
  • Lingual Frenum – Your lingual frenum is what connects your tongue to the floor of your mouth. Sometimes this frenum can connect too far forward on the tongue, which can restrict the movement and function of the tongue. This condition is sometimes known as being “tongue-tied.” While this isn’t normally a big deal, it can sometimes cause problems with speaking and eating, especially in young children. If this is the case, a frenectomy will likely be recommended.

Process Of Receiving A Frenectomy

If you’re in our office to receive a frenectomy, rest assured that Dr. Jenkins is very experienced and compassionate. You will receive anesthesia to take care of any pain and anxiety. Dr. Jenkins will then use a laser or a scalpel to remove the frenum. It’s quite a simple procedure, usually only taking about 20-30 minutes to perform.

If you’d like to learn more about receiving a frenectomy, please call Littleton Implants & Periodontics, located in Littleton, Colorado. Your comfort and dental health are both important to us.

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